Uses a Risks of Liquid Nutrition Therapy


IV Nutrient Therapy in Beverly Hills involves only liquid diet and the person is no longer able to take a solid diet . For them soups, smoothies, juices are taken as the form of a diet. It is a conventional form and not used as a permanent method of treatment.

Uses of liquid Nutrition therapy:

Doctors usually recommend a full liquid diet as a short term therapy for those individuals who have not taken a solid diet as it becomes dangerous for them. Doctors might recommend the liquid diet in the following situations:

  • When recovering from pancreatitis

  • Dental or oral surgery to reduce the pain as the person is not able to chew the food

  • Following the weight loss surgery

  • After any type of gastrointestinal surgery

  • Following the loss of all permanent teeth

  • After any type of breakage of bones in the mouth or jaw

  • When a doctor wires the jaw shut.

  • In order to lose weight, many people take a liquid diet because solid food will gain many calories.

Risk of taking liquid nutrition therapy

As if any person is taking a full liquid diet in the form of liquid Nutrition therapy, the person is not able to take in a full amount of calories and energy, especially on a long term basis. Liquid diets are mostly low in vitamin A, vitamin B-12, iron and thymine. This might result in the deficiency of these important elements.

People who are on Continuous liquid diet must have to take nutritional supplements to remove and reduce the nutritional deficiencies.

It is not possible to take all nutritional forms like proteins, fibers, carbohydrates and other essential elements by just taking one liquid diet. It must be necessary to take a variety of food in your diet . It happens without taking some dietary knowledge and planning a diet.

People who are completely on a liquid diet may have not any energy or motivation to see out healthful diets. They have to take the meshed foods and have to rely on easy but less nutritious foods. These liquid diets are not able to satisfy the person's cravings following a full liquid diet may be sometimes frustrating and difficult to accept.

Other than malnutrition there are certain risks when taking liquid diet on long term basis like chronic hunger, lack of excitement and pleasure in eating, mood swings due to hunger and difficulty in participating and other social activities.


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