Liquid Nutrition Is Next Level Of Therapy



Some patients are bedridden . They are not able to speak, talk ,move or even eat anything but life goes on . These types of patients required nutrition in a balanced amount to prevent different types of illnesses. As they are bed ridden proper types of liquid nutrition must be provided to them so that all the systems must work properly in their body. 

Most of the traumatized patients, coma patients and those patients which had gone through some operation or surgical procedures will be on liquid nutrition. These liquid nutrition is of different types depending upon the nutritional requirements of the body. These may be Fruit juice




Soup broth





Pureed food

Pureed soup 

Stained pureed meat

Baby food


Meshed cheese


Stained oatmeal

Nutritional supplements

Protein shakes

Ice cream

Milk shakes

Margarine, butter, cream cheese



All these are different varieties of liquid nutrition which provide different levels of energy. It is very difficult for a person to be completely on a liquid diet. The patients have to take all types of food types including carbohydrates, proteins ,fats, minerals, vitamins and fibers. Some types of pureed form of foods must be taken by those patients to recover faster and quicker in every manner. Some of the good liquid nutrition foods are listed below which provide extra nutrients, energy and faster the metabolism rates. These are

Fruits and vegetables smoothies

Low sugar protein diet

Protein milk

Skimmed milk

Soft egg based products

Pureed beans and meat

Meat based gravy

Mashed potatoes with cheese

The strategy of liquid nutrition is used primarily for short run methods. Higher amounts of nutrients in less uptake and in less period of time is only possible through liquid nutrition. It is the complete, balanced and secured type of nutrients provided to the body.

There are certain conditions in which solid food produces harm and damages to the body. So liquid nutrition must be taken by the body in those situations. There are certain scenarios in which a liquid nutritional diet must be recommended by the doctors. Like recovery from gastroenteritis, recovery from pancreatitis, development of teeth, after weight loss surgery , after recovering from gastrointestinal problem, after stroke , brain tumor surgery, after any operation, after bone marrow transplant , after bone fractures.

For more Liquid IV nutrition Beverly Hills


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